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Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry: What Not to Fall For

Certain myths about cosmetic dentistry keep people from pursuing treatment. Everyone wants to feel good about their smile. It gives you more confidence and boosts your self-esteem. 

Today, there are many ways to address aesthetic flaws in your smile. Cosmetic dentistry helps people bring their dream smile to life. Unfortunately, there are plenty of misconceptions about these procedures. 

At Rosenberg Dental Group, we believe cosmetic dentistry offers people a way to restore their smiles. After an extraction or an accident, cosmetic procedures restore the structure and appearance of your smile. Beyond aesthetics, it has health benefits as well. 

Below, we want to clear up some of the myths about cosmetic dentistry. Let us show you why it’s a perfectly fine option for many patients. 

Myth 1: It Weakens Your Teeth

Oftentimes, people pursue cosmetic treatment to restore their smiles. In doing so, they improve the structure of their jaws and their bites. This does wonders for their oral health, too. 

For any dentist, your oral health is their top priority. Your dentist never recommends a treatment that causes harm to you or your smile. At your consultation, they examine your current condition and make recommendations. 

When a particular cosmetic treatment isn’t a good fit, they find another solution. Alternatively, they develop a treatment plan to help you improve your health. When you’re ready for the treatment, they work with you.  

Myth 2: It’s Too Expensive

This is one of the most common myths about cosmetic dentistry. In many cases, cosmetic procedures are restorative. As such, your dental insurance tends to cover at least part of the treatment. 

Moreover, modern advances in dental technology reduce the costs of treatment. Often, patients find that cosmetic dentistry is more affordable than they expected. 

Additionally, many dentists offer financing options to help you cover costs. Whether your plan doesn’t cover enough or you have no dental insurance, there are options available. 

Your dentist is on your side. Schedule a consultation with them to see what treatment plan works for your budget. Be sure to ask about financing options as well. 

Myth 3: It’s Impossible to Change Gummy Smiles

Too often, people feel stuck with a smile that doesn’t make them happy. It’s important to voice these concerns to your dentist. More often than not, there’s a procedure to help. 

Another common myth about cosmetic dentistry is that there’s no way to address gums. In certain cases, your dentist may be able to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile. From custom crowns to gum recontouring, the solution depends on your smile. 

Oftentimes, there’s more to cosmetic dentistry than people think! Talk to your dentist today to see what options are available. 

Myth 4: Unnatural Results

In a sense, the results of cosmetic dental procedures are not natural. Your dentist uses specific materials to rebuild your smile to your standards. However, dentists also understand people don’t want to broadcast it to the whole world. 

Working with you, your dentist’s goal is to provide a natural-looking smile. In the past, cosmetic procedures were far more noticeable. Luckily, modern technology and expertise allow dentists to produce natural appearing smiles. 

Myth 5: It Makes Your Smile Less Unique

When you want cosmetic dentistry, it doesn’t mean you completely change everything about your smile. Some people love the small quirks of their smiles. However, they still have other aspects they want to address. 

One of the other common myths about cosmetic dentistry is that it makes every smile the same. With personalized treatment plans, you have the option to choose your results. Through cosmetic procedures, dentists correct cosmetic issues. 

That doesn’t mean your smile looks just like everyone else’s. 

Don’t Let Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry Stop You

When you want to improve your smile, don’t let myths about cosmetic dentistry hold you back. With the help of your friendly neighborhood dentist, you have the power to bring your dream smile to life. 

Make the changes you want to see in your smile. Gain the self-esteem and confidence you want. From orthodontic treatment to veneers or dental implants, you have options. Schedule a consultation with your dentist to see what’s right for you.