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Signs Your Child Needs Braces: Does Your Child Need Braces?

There are a few signs your child needs braces that any parent can spot. However, your family dentist tracks the development of their teeth. As such, they have great insight into when your child needs orthodontic treatment

When your child does need braces or Invisalign, it’s important to remember how common these treatments are. Around 75% of children and teens require some level of orthodontic care. If you notice crooked permanent teeth, it’s common to wonder whether they need braces. 

Luckily, you have options for your child’s treatment. Still, the question remains, “Does my child really need braces?”

Here are a few signs your child needs braces. 

Does My Child Need Braces? The Benefits of Braces

Whether you want to improve your child’s teeth or want to know for yourself, it’s important to remember the benefits of braces. Aside from a straighter smile, there are other reasons to consider orthodontic treatment. 

Oral Health Boost

Braces help to correct an array of dental problems. Oftentimes, misaligned teeth cause abnormal stress on certain groups of teeth. Over time, this weakens your teeth. 

In turn, they eventually chip or break. Unfortunately, this leads to irreversible problems and requires dental crowns or implants. 

Self Esteem & Confidence

When you have a straight smile, you tend to feel more confident in yourself. From children to teens to adults, this helps anyone improve their self-esteem and confidence. 

Speech Improvements

When teeth sit in the wrong position, they impact your speech patterns. Oftentimes, this leads to embarrassment and frustration for anyone. With braces, your orthodontist adjusts the position of the teeth. 

As such, it sets them in a proper position, improving speech. Of course, this also depends on the cause of the issue. Ask your dentist and orthodontist whether treatment might help. 

Gum Health & Dental Health

When teeth overlap or crowd, they create small spaces between your teeth. This makes brushing and flossing more difficult and less effective. Moreover, it allows bacteria and plaque to build up. 

Braces shift the teeth into proper alignment. That means your oral hygiene routine becomes more effective. 

These are just a few of the benefits of orthodontic treatment. So, what are the signs your child needs braces? When do kids need braces?

How to Know When Your Kid Needs Braces

There’s no perfect, universal age for children to start orthodontic treatment. As with many treatments, it varies from person to person and child to child. Generally, orthodontic treatment for children starts between the ages of 8 and 14. 

At this time, kids have most or all of their permanent teeth. Oftentimes, we inherit orthodontic issues genetically. From crooked teeth to misaligned teeth, we see them from generation to generation. 

Additionally, some issues develop from certain childhood conditions or behaviors. 

  • Poor nutrition 
  • Improper oral hygiene 
  • Sucking thumbs or fingers 
  • Mouth-breathing 
  • Other dental problems

When your family dentist notices an issue, they might wait to recommend orthodontic treatment. In some cases, they want to wait for further development. For others, they want to ensure most of the permanent teeth come in. 

Still, it remains an option for children and teens when they want to straighten their teeth. Your family dentist is an amazing resource when you need help deciding. Still, it’s helpful to know the signs your child needs braces. 

Signs Your Child Needs Braces

So, how do you know when it’s time for braces. What are the signs you or your child needs orthodontic treatment? 

There’s an array of reasons behind orthodontic treatments. When your child (or you yourself) experiences the following issues, it’s a good idea to make an appointment. Your orthodontist performs an evaluation to determine the best treatment option. 

At Rosenberg Dental Group, we offer general dentistry and orthodontics to ensure our patients have everything they need. That means we offer personalized treatment plans. 

Here are a few common signs that it’s time for braces. 

Overbite: Teeth on Top Overlap Bottom Teeth

A small overbite is common. However, when the top row of teeth blocks the lower teeth as you bite down, it requires treatment. Extensive overbites cause dental problems down the line. 

Protruding Teeth

When your child’s top teeth jut out significantly, we call this an overjet. This leads to trauma to the upper front teeth. Oftentimes, this results from a fall or a hit to the face. These teeth take the impact and sustain damage. 

Braces and rubber bands correct this issue. However, more severe cases call for surgery or extractions.

Underbite: Teeth on Bottom Overlap Top Teeth

Orthodontists treat this in a similar manner to overbites. With proper alignment, you gain a better bite and improve your oral health. Moreover, you prevent other dental issues down the line. 

Open Bites

When the teeth don’t meet, it becomes hard to bite or chew. Moreover, it potentially impacts speech. Occasionally, these result from genetics. However, it’s commonly a result of prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use. 

Crooked Teeth or Crowded Teeth

This is one of the most common signs your child needs braces. Teeth grow in crooked for an array of reasons. For instance, when permanent teeth grow while baby teeth are in, it causes them to shift. Additionally, delayed jaw development means the bone cannot accommodate adult teeth. 

Regardless of why they develop, crowded teeth make it difficult to clean properly. Moreover, it causes children to feel self-conscious. 


The opposite of crowded teeth, this is still an issue. Similarly, gaps cause other dental issues. However, this is easy to treat with braces or Invisalign aligner trays.

Problems Chewing or Biting

Misaligned teeth have the potential to make it difficult to eat. When your child has difficulty eating, it’s a sign they might need braces. Additionally, they might bite their tongue or the insides of the cheeks often. 

Oftentimes, these are signs your child needs braces. 

Pain in the Mouth or Jaw

Not all signs your child needs braces are visible. At times, only the child feels them. However, these signs are still significant. 

When your child experiences regular mouth or jaw pain, see your dentist. An underlying orthodontic issue may cause pain. With the right dental group, you have a great way to uncover the answer.

Speech Problems

Not all speech problems point to braces. However, misaligned teeth have the potential to impact speech. If your child struggles with speech, check in with your orthodontist. 

Get a Professional Opinion on Orthodontic Treatment

While some kids have clear dental issues that require treatment, not all problems are easy. When you visit your dentist or orthodontist, you have someone to evaluate them. Your family dentist is a great resource for your child’s dental development. 

After a thorough evaluation, your dentist offers a diagnosis and recommends a treatment. Moreover, they present the array of options available in modern orthodontics as well as the costs. Oftentimes, dentists also offer financing options to help cover the budget. 

This is also a great time to ask any questions or voice your concerns. Once you agree on a treatment, it’s time to set out on your child’s journey to a straighter smile.